Shoring, Soil Improvment, Dewatering and more

During your thrustboring pits you need to ensure your excavation cavity is properly covered by the protection of shoring. The type you choose is solely up to you and dependent on the project requirements. Berliner shoring or soldier piling can be done using its own methods and technique, sheet Piling can provide its own benefits which can include a deeper range of excavation and water seepage stoppage. It’s always a good idea to study what will be most feasible for you and your projects.

We can supply and install all types of piling or shoring for you, if needed we can provide just the vibro hammer rental. Our fleet contains over 6 vibratory hammers of different strengths to complete your job. If you encounter any issues with the soil rest assured we can deploy our drilling rigs or heavy duty auger drilling machines to create space for the materials to be driven in. No need to worry about access or delivery of our machines, we can work all over Saudi Arabia. Cities like neom, red sea, jazan, yanbu, Dammam and Riyadh are not out of scope for us.

Keep in mind the water table in your pits, do you require dewatering services, Dewatering rental pumps? Keep in mind the quantity of dewatering pumps you may need. This can vary on the depth and total perimeter of your area. Submersible pumps, centrifugal pumps, slurry pumps or just dewatering system for your area are all services and machinery we can provide for your business.

When it comes to the completion of the shoring, Dewatering and Piling, you may require the preparation of the land in the pit. That requires the compaction, excavation and more. We have long reach excavators, roller compactors and other heavy equipment to fulfill the job.

We can handle all the soil improvement needs, pile head trimming and cutting for the site so you will be satisfied to know you will find all you need with Mega Contracting Ltd.

Contact us today!